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The Future of Concrete
GMH Global Tech has developed an Eco-friendly, non-toxic liquid additive for concrete based on its recently developed Nano-ceramic Polymer Technology (NPT- Synthash). Due to its nano-scale (<2-50 nm), Synthash interacts at the atomic level with the cement and aggregates to improve the physical and chemical properties of the concrete. This nano-technology represents the next generation of “Green” high-functioning additives for Portland cement-based products.

Dynamic Synthash Structure
The four atomic layers of the ceramic structure complete a 180º horizontal rotation and slight vertical displacement of the subsequent layer relative to the parent layer. This inter-digitation of ceramic atomic layers provides additional strength and more surface area (due to increased ceramic units within the same space), increasing the cement's tensile strength.

Green Product
Synthash is a non-chemical green formulation that helps reduce exposure to other harsh chemicals used in concrete mixes—created to be safe for the environment.

Increase P.S.I.
Synthash is shown to increase the PSI of cured concrete by 22-32% providing a much stronger substrate and reduce the cost of using superplasticizers.

Low Slump & Workability
Synthash allows a higher workability with lower slump using less water due to the ionic charge to the mix with the use of nano-clays, which equates to stronger concrete mixtures.

Water Proofing
Synthash creates a molecular bonding of the materials used in the concrete mix to reduce porosity, which produces a much more denser concrete that limits water intrusion.

Pumping Agent
Synthash is the best pumping agent on the market today, the ionic charge creates a non-stick surface and increases the flow of concrete to hoses and pumps.

Easy Form Release
Synthash when wet will not bond to plastic, wood or metal, which makes for easy cleanups on forms and molds.